When was the last time you did something for the first time?
You can start something new whenever you want. You can start when you’re ready or when you’re not ready. When you have a plan or when you only know the first step. If there’s something that you wanted to do, ask yourself- why not now? Isn’t now just as good of a time as any?
As many of you know, I thrive on routine and structure, it’s probably part of the reason what I love Tri training so much- I have my workouts and meals all laid out and planned out daily. I know what and when I’m doing things and have the majority of my time planned out to the hour. That being said, I also believe in challenging myself often and when I’ve been in the same routine for awhile, I like to start stretching into something new.
I ask- when was the last time I did something for the first time?
When listing off my “first times” in my head.... There was the my first kiss, my first date, first boyfriend, my first day of school, first day at a job, first time driving... There was the first time I ran a race, swam the length of a pool, did a triathlon, the first time I bought a house, opened a business, started a yoga school....
While many of these first happened a long time ago, it gets you thinking of when was the last time you took any risk at all? When have you put yourself out there?
Thinking about the things I’ve accomplished in my life so far makes me feel proud of myself about how far I’ve come. However, when you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, your comfort zone begins to grown larger to accomadate these new things. This is great, but it also means you have to do even bigger, riskier things in order to go outside of it again.
That excites me and lights a huge fire in me. Which is why I love new goals and new challenges. Some things I’m working towards... Ultraman, Qualifying for Kona, 100mile race, & R2R2R.
While new challenges can be risky and scary, it’s exactly what you need to do to continue to learn and grow. When thinking of something risky or something new; it doesn’t have to be a big thing every time, the little things often make the biggest impact. The point is to keep growing and expanding as a person.
And it all started with a single question.
So, let me ask you —
When was the last time you did something for the first time?